CareCredit is different from a regular credit card. Use it to pay for out-of-pocket expenses and special financing options are available that you may not be able to get with other cards. Once you’ve applied, you can use it again and again at any location that accepts CareCredit. Some clinics and dentist offices accept CareCredit as well. If the card is ran for $200 or more then there will no 0% interest for 6 months.
Click the image below for more information.
Scratchpay provides you with simple, friendly payment plans. Scratchpay isn’t a credit card. Finding your plan option will NOT affect your credit score. They now offer Take 5. Take 5 lets you break up your bill into 5 easy payments. Your first payment will be today, and the other 4 payments will be due every 2 weeks after that. No interest. No hard credit check. No worries, period.